Solutions 4 Health Intranet

Staff Intranet

Marketing frequently asked questions

All requests for support, additional materials or reporting should come via our marketing ticketing system here

Once logged, you will receive an email with your ticket reference number. Should you need to get in touch with the team regarding your request, please email including the ticket reference number. 

Any client, partner organisation or staff member photographed for use by Solutions 4 Health in any way, including for use on social media, must complete a consent form, which can be found here.

This form must then be returned to marketing at prior to the picture being used in any format. 

Certainly! Text and/ or certain image changes can be made by the marketing team. Please send full details via our ticketing system here.

All materials produced externally to the marketing team must follow brand guidance and a copy sent to for our collateral records. 

Details of our branding and templates can be found here.

Please refer to our email signature guidance and process here

There are various tools we use to be able to measure the success of the department, campaigns, services and social media as a whole. 

  • Social Media reporting – we produce service-specific social media reporting using Sprout Social
  • Website reporting – utilising Google Analytics, we are able to supply details on website traffic and trends 
  • Advertising reporting – we can produce details of any advertising work completed, the impact, cost and suggestions for future campaigns
  • You! Please do feel free to share with the team any materials or campaigns that are or have worked well, including those that haven’t been as successful as we hoped. 

Collaboration is essential for the Solutions 4 Health marketing department to leverage cross-functional expertise, integrate campaigns, adopt a client-centric approach, optimise resources and budgets, ensure consistent messaging and branding, and foster continuous learning and improvement. By working collaboratively with other departments and service areas, we can enhance its effectiveness, drive business growth, and achieve long-term success.

In-house produced materials can be translated to other materials or converted into easy-read versions, at a cost to the service. 

Please log a marketing ticket here with details of your request and authorising manager details for raising a PO

The design and creation of all media, resources and materials fall within the remit of the Marketing department. 

This is to ensure brand consistency, accessibility guidances are met, and continue the retention of Solutions 4 Health marketing collateral. 

Access to our Solutions 4 Health corporate Canva account will be provided in certain scenarios and toolkits provided for social media content creation or clinic location posters etc. These must fall within brand guidance

To request access, please email with accompanying authorisation from your line manager with permission to accept the cost of your access within your service budget. 

To request posts to service social media, or to be added as the social media lead for your service, log a ticket here and the team will get back to you asap

To ensure, as a department, we are able to process your request timely, inline with other priorities, a ticket must be logged for all requests to the department. 

We are also required to report to the board on our activities and this dashboard will be inaccurate if requests are not submitted via the ticketing system. 

Reaching out via Teams does not allow the department to allocate your task to the most suitable member of the team, with the capacity to deal with your request. 

If you need to reach out to our Marketing Team, please contact