Solutions 4 Health Intranet

Staff Intranet

Social Media

Social Media is a collective term for websites and applications that focus on:

  • Communication
  • Community-based input
  • Interaction
  • Content-sharing
  • Collaboration

And it plays an essential role in:

  • Increasing visibility
  • Amplifying our message
  • Getting user feedback
  • Building loyalty
  • Interacting with the communities we serve

How we present our services on Social Media has a direct impact on the overall Solutions 4 Health business image. We must ensure that all content is approved and clinically correct before it reaches our online communities and service users.

Only those nominated as social media leads within your service can access and post to social media channels and all posts must be made via our approvals process within Sprout Social. More details concerning social media usage can be found via our social media policy below.

View our Solutions 4 Health social media policy, including personal social media usage, here

View our ‘Social Media Explained’ presentation here

  • View our guide to creating accessible social media content here
  • View details on how to add alt text within Sprout Social here

The design and creation of all media, resources and materials fall within the remit of the Marketing department. 

This is to ensure brand consistency, accessibility guidances are met, and continue the retention of Solutions 4 Health marketing collateral. 

Access to our Solutions 4 Health corporate Canva account will be provided in certain scenarios and toolkits provided for social media content creation. 

To request access, please email with accompanying authorisation from your line manager with permission to accept the cost of your access within your service budget. 

This a reminder, that any client or staff member photographed for use by Solutions 4 Health in any way, including social media, must complete a consent form, which can be found here

This form must then be returned to marketing at prior to the picture being used in any format. 

Sprout Social is our online social media management platform. 

Here we can add social media leads to the channels they need access to, bulk upload content to all channels and report on activity and engagement on the channels. 

All posts made to our Solutions 4 Health social media pages, have to be approved via the marketing team within Sprout Social

If you have newly been made lead for social media within your service, congratulations and welcome! Please do reach out to the team via our ticketing system where you will be added to Sprout Social, be provided training and support, and added to our social media leads forum on teams! 

You can view our most recent update on Sprout Social here

If you have any queries, please reach out to the Marketing team on