Solutions 4 Health Intranet

Staff Intranet

Mandatory Training

Staff training and development play a critical role in the success and growth of any company. Investing in the professional development of our employees not only enhances their skills and knowledge but also increases their motivation and job satisfaction. This, in turn, can lead to higher levels of productivity, better client services, and improved overall performance of Solutions 4 Health. Therefore, staff training and development should be viewed as essential rather than optional.

Mandatory induction and vocational training are assigned to staff via the Radar Healthcare System.

HR manage workforce compliance which covers training and other mandatory requirements such as company policies, professional registration tasks and supervisions. Risks, events and audits are managed by the compliance team who can be contacted at

Staff will receive a Radar login and instructions as part of the onboarding process.

Please see the below guides to assist you in navigating the Radar platform

Training guides and videos:

View our additional training suite, including links to free online courses and NHS Elearning for health suite here

Please contact with any queries