Solutions 4 Health Intranet

Staff Intranet

Compliance, Knowledge and Data Hub

We are committed to maximising positive outcomes to both commissioners and the communities we support. 

Service users are the experts in how they want to have their care, support or treatment delivered.

Data analytics helps us optimise our performance, perform more efficiently, provide value for money for our commissioners, and make more strategically-guided decisions.

The below sections will demonstrate a snapshot of our overall compliance, quality, performance and community impact.

The Compliance Team can be contacted at

The main tasks of the Compliance Team are:

  • To run weekly reports on Radar
  • Ownership and management of the Document Control process
  • Ownership and co-ordination of ISO standards, including management and undertaking of monthly internal audits and quarterly management review meetings
  • To provide support to staff with any Radar or general compliance issues
  • Liaise with service managers for all areas of compliance
  • Monthly reporting for the Executive Board
  • Attend quarterly QSAC meeting

Solutions4Health has held certification for a number of years in three ISO standards:

  • ISO 9001 Quality Management System
  • ISO 27001 Information Security Management System
  • ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management System

To comply with these standards as well as the requirements of the Care Quality Commission governing the clinical services we provide, we have a robust incident reporting system, as part of Radar Healthcare, our software for managing our quality and compliance processes. The main purpose is to not only track our events but also help to improve customer experience and patient safety.

Our risk management process allows us to identify, track and manage issues that could threaten the business. Documenting these risks and implementing mitigations enables us to deliver high-quality care, whilst ensuring service user and patient safety. Identifying risks forms part of our service planning process, but due to the nature of healthcare, risks can also be identified and added at any point. Historically corporate risks have been discussed and documented within the scope of all three ISO standards in quarterly management review meetings. Clinical risks are discussed within QSAC(Quality Standards Advisory Committee) meetings.

Our high-quality services are further enhanced by the collection of service user feedback; this can inform us on a local level of the ways in which we can modify our services to better meet the needs of the communities we serve. Compliments also serve as evidence that the service users have found value in the services we provide and are likely to recommend our services to others. All complaints and incidents are reported on and sent to the Executive Board on a monthly basis.

Internal auditing is a vital part of our compliance programme. Our processes (including document control), risks and objectives are scrutinised internally. Results are discussed at management review meetings and are shared externally with an auditor on an annual basis. These are also recorded on Radar; the system prompts an action plan to be submitted for any areas identified as non-compliant to demonstrate that corrective and preventative action is taken.

Workforce training compliance is reported on weekly. Any services who are found to fall below the tolerated threshold are contacted and requested to improve. This information again is fed intomanagement review meetin

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